Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Re-entering the world of Bloogers. I mean Bloggers.

Hello, this post is mostly so that I can see how all the modifications will look in the preview more accuurately than just guessing.

I will explain myself a little. I used to write all the time on xanga, starting way back in 2004. Way back it seems. Slowly xanga traffic died off and I stopped using it regularly and it was the same with the majority of my friends. I use to write in a journal as well, but it is sitting half finished with glaringly white blank pages on my dresser with the last entry from sometime a year ago. I never feel like I have the time to write because I feel like I must record all the time that I skipped. I can't just start with today. It seems silly but for some reason I have to start a completely new journal if I don't. I suppose part of me feels I must aknowledge that time has elapsed and an mportant part of my life does belong there, on the blank pages.

Regardless of my weird views on journals, Corey (my dear friend and former roommate) made his own blogger blog a day or so and proudly showed it off to Lele and I. I have to admit it is pretty good. Very proffessional and smart. Not anything like mine :) but that suits Corey very well. Please check out his blog, http://coreynchina.blogspot.com/ which "chronicles [his] preparations for the trip, [his] visit to China, and [his] thoughts and reflections on the trip."
Sounds like one exciting blog, doesn't it? Seriously, it is!

The trip is planned for the summer and I know he will have a ton of new experiences and fun!

Anyways, so his showing off his blog made me want to revamp my xanga. I quickly decided that Xanga was seeming too much like high school. It probably isn't any more juvenile than blogger is, but I associate it with HS because that is when I used it all the time. I want to feel grown up so, here is this new venture into the world of bloggers.