Thursday, January 6, 2011

Winter Break

EEEK... I have only twelve days until school starts and technically by then I am supposed to have my thesis proposal ready to go! Unfortunately, I have not even looked at my thesis over the break yet. Hmmm. I suppose I better get on that. I feel like this break went by sooo fast. It kinda makes me sad. I had so many plans: places to visit, movies to see, friends to catch up with. And it isn't because of lazyness either... well not mostly. I have been driving around the state practically non-stop between the holidays, the zombie filming, and other mandatory bits of social life. And I really have to finish to books that I borrowed over the summer. I used to read a book like this in a day or less, and look at me, struggling to even get started after months of it sitting on my shelf. So sad...

On the up side, my hair looks awesome today, my usually tight shirt looks like it fits super cute, and my books are arriving from Amazon right on time! And most happily I recieved my Master of Olympus : Zeus game in the mail yesterday :)
This game is positively more addicting than Zoo Tycoon! Hard to believe, I know. But it is true. I got this game with my bro for $10 dollars like 10 years ago... well maybe a little less. and we wore it out. I shared it with my new college friends, and it killed a lot of time over the summer and during finals week when we should have been studying. But alas! My dear game managed to get lost. It was passed around so many times I really have no idea when it happened, but somehow it got in between the cushions on our livingroom sofa. Sad sad day it was when I found it. Crushed and cracked beneath the bums of multiple college students for who knows how long.

Long story short, I have been telling myself I would find and replace my favorite game, and I have finally done it! My brother is already asking if he can borrow it. Sure, but not until I first try it out and waist more time not doing my thesis!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Today is actually the third but who cares? Happy New Year anyway! It is also back to work day for me. I shouldn't complain, I do need the money, and I actually can work more hours right now. For Christmas, which was great btw, Russell and I got some neat things for the property. My parents gave him a hammock and they gave me a neat picnic table I have been wanting for a while. Russell's mom got us a small fire pit\decorative piece. I can't wait until we have something out there permanently.

School starts back up in 2 weeks or so. I have to make the most of these next days off. I really have to get in gear with my thesis. Blah... I also need to start getting my books for classes. Luckily they should not be as hard as last semester. Whoo- pulled all A's barely.