Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Today is actually the third but who cares? Happy New Year anyway! It is also back to work day for me. I shouldn't complain, I do need the money, and I actually can work more hours right now. For Christmas, which was great btw, Russell and I got some neat things for the property. My parents gave him a hammock and they gave me a neat picnic table I have been wanting for a while. Russell's mom got us a small fire pit\decorative piece. I can't wait until we have something out there permanently.

School starts back up in 2 weeks or so. I have to make the most of these next days off. I really have to get in gear with my thesis. Blah... I also need to start getting my books for classes. Luckily they should not be as hard as last semester. Whoo- pulled all A's barely.

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