Monday, January 4, 2010

I do like Movies!

I have a new idea. I was worried that I would not be able to form a blog full of coherent posts. I liked that his blog is all about one thing: his upcoming trip to China. All my previous blog-like endeavors have been very spur of the moment blah-blahs about whatever I felt like ranting about at that particular moment. I was assured by Corey that he had a list of blog ideas, like blog conversation starters, that I could use. Who knows where he got that from. Either way, I liked one idea: blogging personal movie reviews. I do watch a lot of movies! I didn't used to watch so much television, but my boyfriend seems to rent movies every other day (It helps to live right across from a video store with decent prices.) and I like to watch tv with him. Our taste in movies is nearly completely opposite, so being with him as made me more open to things I never would have seen before.

So, I have talked him into making a movie review blog with me. Whether or not anyone actually reads it is besides the point. Doing it together is the important thing.

I will keep this blog for kicks and giggles I think.

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