Monday, January 11, 2010

Two Weeks til the Cruise! (oh yeah, and school)

The next two weeks I am going to be extra conscientious about what I am spending my money on! If it is not cruise or back-to-school related I will not buy it. A few exceptions may apply: Duct Tape, Twizzlers or any other life-sustaining necessities. After several dress searching mishaps (grrrr at JCPenny, and YAY! at Ross) I finally found what I needed for the cruise. I am still keeping my eyes on the lookout for a red cocktail dress though. You can't go wrong with a red dress! (Well, actually you can, but I think I'm safe.)

School is starting back next week. Blah, Blah. I am not thrilled about that. I will have a lighter class load than ever before this semester, at least hypothetically. That's a nice thought. And I will have less books to buy than ever and that is a WONDERFUL thought! More left over scholarship money! Which, of course, I will hoard until the cruise... unless I see that dress. Technically, that would be a cruise expense anyway, right?

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