Thursday, December 23, 2010

Property News and Zombies!

So... today I can OFFICIALLY say that Russell and I bought our property. I am pretty sure I have said that before but this time, the government or whoever looks at titles will recognize it. We had been going back and forth with the title company for months but yesterday, after dropping off my brothers' clothes at 4:30am so that he could be zombified I was able to find the title company's office and pay up the closing costs. After all the hassle it took to negotiate getting the title and making an appointment, or even just getting an answer to my emails and Russell's phone calls, the actual signing of the paperwork took about two minutes. The lady who had been such a pain in getting hold of before, actually redeemed my opinion of the title company somewhat in person. She was very nice and let me sign the papers about twenty minutes earlier than my appointment time (I was worried I wouldn't find the place so I got there early). Oh and also, she complemented my ring and gave me a pen. What can I say? I am easily appeased.

You may be wondering: Did she really say 4:30am ? Who in the world gets up at 4:30am on purpose?! Normally, not me. I tend to wake up around 9am actually. Even later on Tuesdays.

Oh wait... you may be wondering about what I meant by zombiefied. Yes. My brother was made into a zombie. Actually, so was I. And Russell, and his whole big family.

You may not have guessed it, but being a zombie is a BLAST. I mean, you get to look cool, you get to make really weird grunting/growling noises, and crawl around in creepy railroad tunnels. How awesome is that?! Here is a picture of me and my love before our first scene together, and before the really cool makeup artist added the finishing touches: oozy chocolate syrup blood, creepy contacts, and alka-seltzer for rabid foaming mouths. Sexy!

Well, a zombie movie called Humans vs. Zombies was being filmed this week near where my boyfriend's family lives, and they desperately needed extras. So that sounded like awesome fun to us, and we all showed up. The only downside to all this, was that call time was at 4:30 in the morning (GROAN). But I was so excited to actually see a movie set and get all this super cool makeup on that I didn't really care. All of us were picked to be in various scenes, and we each were in the front of the zombie horde at some point, so chances are, we made it into the movie for real. If you see a big, scary, orange haired zombie that gets shot in the front of a tunnel... that isn't me. I'm like one person over. hah. Check that off my bucket list.

After three days of filming, I still don't think any of us really know what the plot of this movie is. Supposedly it is based off of a game that college students play on big campuses. I definitely haven't seen anything like it at my small-town college. Humans vs. Zombies will supposedly have a limited release in theaters next Halloween. The plan is to sign a contract with HBO if everything is well received, for a short series based on the movie. Or something like that. I still am not sure. One thing is for certain: I will show up to the theater as if I am walking the red carpet!

By the way, I am pretty sure I am a horrible actress, even for an extra. Keep an eye out for the zombie that looks like she is trying not to laugh. That is probably me.

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