Thursday, June 10, 2010

Proud Plot Parent

I am the proud co-owner of a small plot of land near the tri-lakes region. It is 30x92 feet and covered in skinny trees and mean little thorny vines. My boyfriend and I bought it for only $300 dollars at auction, and technically since we split it, I only paid $150. Not bad! I am so proud of it, I feel like its my new puppy or something. Considering all the work that we will have to put into the land to get it to look as nice as we want it, we are sort of making the same kind of long term commitment that you make when you adopt a puppy. (I sooo want a dog- darn dorm rules) You have to train it, groom it, nurture it, and of course: spend your money on it! Luckily, the plot of land can't make a puddle on the floor, unless I now own a hidden oil reserve and accidentally tap into it, hopefully my land does not have any leaks of any kind!

I am probably a little over excited about it, but this un-built on plot of land awakens my creative side just like a blank page or empty canvas does. There are just so many possibilities! Between me and Russell I know we can come up with some great ideas, and I have faith that we can pull it off too. It will take awhile of course, but I am excited to get this show on the road.

I will write more soon! Hopefully I can get some pics on here too.

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