Monday, June 14, 2010

A Weekend of Work

I was afraid that it would rain this weekend, but luckily it didn't do much more than sprinkle. On Friday my brother, Jared, came up to help me find the metal property line markers with his metal detector, and rope off the property bounds. He is real serious with his metal detector, he has been a member of some national metal detecting association since high school. Kinda dorky :) but his skills definately came in handy. I told him he could have anything cool on the property for helping us, but mostly we just found aluminum scraps. We spent the afternoon clearing out these vines and thorn brush, and clipping down the small trees and plants. Jared is like a clydesdale and pulled up an old stump and knocked down a big tree trunk, all without any tools!

After awhile Russell arrived and got to work with the axe and huge pruners and by the time we finished, our pile of debris was about shoulder high and 25 feet wide. I was really proud of our progress! We were smelly and sweaty so we hit the pool during the hottest part of the day. Oh, it was wonderful. At nightfall Russell left for home, but Jared and I decided to stay the night at Russell's Family's trailer (only a lot or so down from our property) and got a big fire going to roast up some chocolate-free s'mores (we unfortunately had left this vital ingredient at home), and watched the new Alice in Wonderland movie. Not a bad movie, except Anne Hathaway's character was, well, dumb. Everything else was creative and enticing. I loved the actress who played Alice. She was really convincing.

The next day Jared had to get back to the college for a test review, and I had to make it to Dallas to attend Wicked! The play was AWESOME!! Very intelligent and well executed. The singing performances were beautiful. And the air conditioning was divine :)

Russell and his dad spent another day clearing out the property and the one Russell's sister bought down the street from us. I haven't seen what they did yet, but I bet it looks great. I am really impressed with what we were able to do this weekend.

Today, is all about my thesis and test prep. Blah... but it needs to get done sometime.

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