Saturday, August 21, 2010

One Last Sunburn

Today was a loooot of fun. I got in one last sunburn before returning to college. Russell's family held a small party and we spent the day on the lake and in the pool. I am completely exhausted (in the good way) from all the fun so I am looking forward to winding down the day in front of the TV watching the Green Bay Packers play another preseason game. I really am excited about this season; I think we really have a good chance at making it to the superbowl! Now, if the Rangers will just keep doing well. It is about this time of year that they start slipping and make me sad. But I still cheer for them of course!

I cannot wait for move-in day. This will officially be the first time that I am living completely alone, in my own apartment! I suppose it is debateable if it really counts as living alone: my "sugar boo-boo" (bahahaha) boyfriend lives in the apartment directly above mine, and my brother is moving into one on the other side of the apartment complex. (Yey for scholarships!) Not to mention I will still be surrounded by the apartments of the many friends I have come close to over the last three years. So, okay, I am not technically alone, but I will be more alone than ever before.

And that means I need to go shopping!!! YEY!

My former roommate Lele (who has moved on to a better place.... not heaven, silly, student-teaching!) and I had pretty much split up the various appliances and decorations that one needs to have a functioning apartment so now that I am all by my lonesome I need to fill in the gaps left on the counter. Most notable is the absense of a microwave and I don't know why but I really miss the toaster that I never used. There are lots of little things that I am starting to realise I will need to get as well (like an oven mitt) but I don't mind.

Only four more days until move-in!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

End of Summer Draws Near

I am moving back to my college apartment in 14 days. I haven't accomplished much of what I meant to this summer. By that I mean my thesis proposal. I meant to have it finished and presented by now. Oh well. I think I can still have a draft finished by the first day of class.

The guy on craigslist finally called Russell back about his "cabin" he put up for sale. We were interested in the little fixer upper for our property but after about two weeks of no answer from the seller, I had given up on it. Thing is, the little cabin is not so little. I have no idea if it can actually be moved. The seller is adament that it can be. Our parents are going to look at the cabin in person on saturday (we are going to a wedding) and then we will go from there.

I am excited, but Russell continues to be more realistic (and a lot more frugal) than I am, and constantly reminds me to be more grounded and not let my imagination get the best of me. I just really want to get us a place out there. Especially, before it gets too cold.

Hopefully I will also get to go camping with Russell before school starts. We meant to go last summer but just never got around to it. So maybe I can plan for next weekend :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is it a Title or a Deed???

So after all this waiting, I am a little annoyed to find out that my deed/title thingy that says I (and Russell) officially own that little peice of land I kept talking about has been sitting in the auctioneer's office for weeks. Apparently, their office was supposed to contact me and never did. It is a good thing I wasn't the only one in this situation because otherwise I would have continued waiting for the title/deed to magically appear in my mailbox. Fortunately, Russell's wonderful mom (and my friend-- Russell doesn't like that I hang out with his mom) also bought land at the same auction. She is much more proactive than I am and she found out all about the lag on our paperwork. The plan is to go and pick up our title/deed some time this week.

Last time we went to the property, we found out that we do actually have living breathing neighbors. They were in the process of clearing the lot next to us when we drove up, and don't seem more than a few years older than us. Apparently they recieved their land from their Grandpop. The other neighbors are still MIA, and haven't been to their lot in years.

Hopefully, Russell and I will get out there even more once it starts to cool down. Yesterday, I think the high was 109 degrees! Ugh.