Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is it a Title or a Deed???

So after all this waiting, I am a little annoyed to find out that my deed/title thingy that says I (and Russell) officially own that little peice of land I kept talking about has been sitting in the auctioneer's office for weeks. Apparently, their office was supposed to contact me and never did. It is a good thing I wasn't the only one in this situation because otherwise I would have continued waiting for the title/deed to magically appear in my mailbox. Fortunately, Russell's wonderful mom (and my friend-- Russell doesn't like that I hang out with his mom) also bought land at the same auction. She is much more proactive than I am and she found out all about the lag on our paperwork. The plan is to go and pick up our title/deed some time this week.

Last time we went to the property, we found out that we do actually have living breathing neighbors. They were in the process of clearing the lot next to us when we drove up, and don't seem more than a few years older than us. Apparently they recieved their land from their Grandpop. The other neighbors are still MIA, and haven't been to their lot in years.

Hopefully, Russell and I will get out there even more once it starts to cool down. Yesterday, I think the high was 109 degrees! Ugh.

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