Wednesday, August 11, 2010

End of Summer Draws Near

I am moving back to my college apartment in 14 days. I haven't accomplished much of what I meant to this summer. By that I mean my thesis proposal. I meant to have it finished and presented by now. Oh well. I think I can still have a draft finished by the first day of class.

The guy on craigslist finally called Russell back about his "cabin" he put up for sale. We were interested in the little fixer upper for our property but after about two weeks of no answer from the seller, I had given up on it. Thing is, the little cabin is not so little. I have no idea if it can actually be moved. The seller is adament that it can be. Our parents are going to look at the cabin in person on saturday (we are going to a wedding) and then we will go from there.

I am excited, but Russell continues to be more realistic (and a lot more frugal) than I am, and constantly reminds me to be more grounded and not let my imagination get the best of me. I just really want to get us a place out there. Especially, before it gets too cold.

Hopefully I will also get to go camping with Russell before school starts. We meant to go last summer but just never got around to it. So maybe I can plan for next weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. Of course we are camping... And I think you got more done this summer than your admitting too
