Friday, September 3, 2010

Tamara Drewe and Stuff

When I am bored at work I like to look at the "Trending Now" top ten on Yahoo's main page and click on topics that seem intriguing (or at least more interesting than what I am supposed to be doing) and a few days ago I clicked on Tamara Drewe because I like the name Tamara (mostly because I love Tamara Peirce's books) and because it had been popping in and out of the trend feed for awhile and was a name I didn't recognise. I figured it be some celebrity news about someone that I had never heard of, but it was actually news about a new English movie based on a comic strip by Posy Simmonds. So I found the web site that hosts the strip and have finished it today. Not bad. I want to see the movie. I don't want to post any spoilers, not like anyone will read it and actually be spoiled, but I would feel bad in the random off-chance. So I will just say that it starts out kinda slow and fairly unremarkble but consistently picks up pace, always keeps at the very least mildly interested and has a kicker of a climax! I was like wow!... wait am I supposed to think this is awesome... because it kinda is... but I am not sure I am supposed to...
Either way the story was an unexpected bit of a break from boredom and now I have a new movie to look foreward to. I saw the casting list and I am a little disappointed in the pick for Beth, but otherwise I think it looks promising!

Also, looking at the Tamara Drewe movie info reminded about the good news I had a few months ago when I found outthe author of a book series I love had agreed to a movie deal. The Uglies by Scott Westerfield is supposedly in movie production! So I checked on that and sad face, nothing appears to have changed in status so maybe it will fall through. But I hope not.
So then I started google-ing some of the old books I used to gobble-up before college forced me to abandon all lesiure reads for drab and almost always sleep inducing "scholarly" works. Its like someone said to all the academics of the world... "
In order to write a book that college professors will force their students to spend unwarrented amounts of their precious spagghetti-o and Ramen cash, you must
  1. be as confusing as possible. That way the professor actually gets to answer questions and look at you as if your an idiot for not understanding-- but don't feel bad, secretly half the class also had no clue that the author was in fact speaking in modern english and the other half either didn't read it at all and is glad you are keeping the spotlight off them, or they are already asleep.
  2. be as effective as a lullaby. I don't know why but I think this is somehow linked to the fact that the alchol in otc Nyquil was taken out. Maybe they worry college students don't get enough sleep because we always nod off in class (see #1)
  3. write something nobody would buy unless they were forced too.

Anyways, I found out some sequals of various books I like have finally been published so somehow between the books I have to read for class and for my thesis I have to fit them in! I always feel guilty reading anything not college related... 'cause in the back of my mind I know if I am going to be reading anything it should be for class. But I can't resist!

Okay, I guess that's enough for today... back to looking at the "Trending Now" list...

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